Terms and Conditions

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website operated by Lawyer Dhaka Bangladesh (“Lawyer”, “we” or “us”). Lawyer is registered in Bangladesh and AR IT Firm company number +8802-9339748 and its registered office is at House #159, Santinagar, Dhaka-1217.
Terms of Use

This web page represents and warrants our Terms of Use and Sale (``Agreement``) regarding our website, located at Terms Feed, and the tools we provide you (the ``Website`` or the ``Service``). It was last posted on 26 January 2020. The terms as used in this Agreement refer to Terms Feed.
We may amend this Contract at any time by posting the amended terms on our Website. We may or may not post notices on the homepage of our Website when such changes happen.
We mention to this Contract, our Privacy Policy accessible at and any other terms, rules, or directly on our Website collectively as our ``Legal Terms.`` You apparently and implicitly agree to be bound by our Legal Terms each time you access our Website
Limited License

Terms Feed grant-in-aid you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable license to access and use our Website in order for you to make shopping of electronic documents and related services through our Website, correctly in consistency with our Legal Terms.
Copyrights and Trademarks

Unless otherwise noted, all materials including without limitation, logos, branding, banner images, brand identity designs, video clips and written and other materials that arrive as part of our Website are copyrights, trademarks, service marks, trade dress and/or other intellectual property whether registered or unregistered (``Intellectual Property``) owned, controlled or licensed by Terms Feed. Our Website as a whole is protected by copyright and trade dress. Nothing on our Website should be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel or otherwise, any license or right to use any Intellectual Property displayed or used on our Website, without the prior written permission of the Intellectual Property owner. Terms Feed aggressively enforces its intellectual property rights to the fullest extent of the law. The names and logos of Terms Feed, may not be used in any way, including in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of materials on our Website, without prior, written permission from Terms Feed. Terms Feed prohibits use of any logo of Terms Feed or any of its affiliates as part of a link to or from any Website unless Terms Feed approves such link in advance and in writing. Fair use of Terms Feed’s Intellectual Property requires proper acknowledgment. Other product and company names mentioned in our Website may be the Intellectual Property of their respective owners.